28 July 2024
  • Ss. Julius & Aaron Parish Mass followed by refreshments in the hall – 10:00

  • Holy Trinity. Sunday Eucharist. – 10:30

  • St. Andrew's. Sunday Eucharist. – 10:30

  • St. Cadoc's. Sung Eucharist – 10:30

  • St. John's. Sung Mass. – 10:30

    Stay for coffee and a chat after. 🙂

29 July 2024
  • St. John's. Church Hall. Gentle Exercise and Dance. – 10:00

  • SS Julius & Aaron praying with beads followed by Mass. – 19:00

30 July 2024
  • Ss. Julius and Aaron Yoga – 18:00

31 July 2024
  • Ss. Julius and Aaron. Slimming World 8am till 8pm – 00:00

  • Holy Trinity. Said Eucharist. – 10:30

  • St. John's. Morning Prayer. – 10:30

    Stay for coffee and a chat after. 🙂

  • Holy Trinity. Sign Language Course. – 18:00

  • St Cadoc's. Bell Ringing Practice. – 19:30

1 August 2024
  • St. Andrew’s. Midweek Eucharist. – 10:00

  • Ss. Julius and Aaron Brownies – 18:00

2 August 2024
  • Holy Trinity. Bible Study. – 14:00

  • St. John's. Choir Practice. – 18:30



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