Knowing …

… God’s love in the sacraments: baptism, eucharist, healing, forgiveness, marriage, priesthood, embracing faith.

Showing …

… God’s love in how we meet one another, greet the stranger, and seek to offer all people a generous inclusive welcome.

Growing …

… in our understanding of God’s love through an exploration of faith that welcomes all, whatever stage of the journey they are on.

We are a grouping of seven Anglican churches in and around Newport, east of the River Usk, caring for our communities and for one another.

What’s going on at your local church …

28 July 2024
  • Ss. Julius & Aaron Parish Mass followed by refreshments in the hall – 10:00

  • Holy Trinity. Sunday Eucharist. – 10:30

  • St. Andrew's. Sunday Eucharist. – 10:30

  • St. Cadoc's. Sung Eucharist – 10:30

  • St. John's. Sung Mass. – 10:30

    Stay for coffee and a chat after. 🙂

29 July 2024
  • St. John's. Church Hall. Gentle Exercise and Dance. – 10:00

  • SS Julius & Aaron praying with beads followed by Mass. – 19:00

30 July 2024
  • Ss. Julius and Aaron Yoga – 18:00

31 July 2024
  • Ss. Julius and Aaron. Slimming World 8am till 8pm – 00:00

  • Holy Trinity. Said Eucharist. – 10:30

  • St. John's. Morning Prayer. – 10:30

    Stay for coffee and a chat after. 🙂

  • Holy Trinity. Sign Language Course. – 18:00

  • St Cadoc's. Bell Ringing Practice. – 19:30

1 August 2024
  • St. Andrew’s. Midweek Eucharist. – 10:00

  • Ss. Julius and Aaron Brownies – 18:00

2 August 2024
  • Holy Trinity. Bible Study. – 14:00

  • St. John's. Choir Practice. – 18:30

The Latest from Beechwood MA …



Marriage Blessings

Healing Prayers

Our Clergy

The Rev’d Linda Batt
Vicar and Parish Priest for
St Andrew’s, Lliswerry
The Rev’d Sue Pratten
Vicar and Parish Priest for
St Cadoc’s, Caerleon
Position Vacant
Vicar and Parish Priest for
St John the Evangelist, Maindee
Fr David Matthews
Vicar and Parish Priest for
Ss. Julius and Aaron, St Julian’s
Fr Samuel Helkvist
Vicar and Parish Priest for
St Teilo, Alway
Fr Glen Wilkins
Parish Priest for
Holy Trinity, Christchurch